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Top 6 Environmentally Friendly Children Playgrounds

Date: 2016-03-18 Share Us:

Not only are humans able to construct amazing playgrounds for children, they are also able to take advantage of materials and design creatively, to achieve both aims of joyment and environmental protection. Now JP would like to show you the top 6 environmentally friendly children playgrounds world widely.

1. Rainwater-capturing Playgrounds, New York City.
To solve the wastewater problem, NYC’s Department of Environmental Protection teamed up with the Trust for Public Land to create unique water run-off solutions inside 10 new playgrounds throughout the city.

2. Kilburn Grange Adventure Play Park, London
This wonderland built by Erect Architecture features recycled doors, lots of untreated tree parts, and naturally placed boulders, and consists of a series of outdoor rooms, towers, and climbing structures.

3. Upcycled Wind Turbine Playground, Netherlands
The Wikado Playground, designed by Rotterdam-based architectural firm Superuse Studios, use five discarded rotor blades to create a playground full of maze, tunnels, towers and slides that just beg to be played on.

4. Energy Playground, Festivals Around The World
Global Inheritance is a non-profit organization that develops creative, cause-based campaigns to educate individuals about issues that affect us globally. One of their specialities is the Energy Playground, a suite of futuristic playground equipment that creates free, clean energy for classrooms, music festivals, and other events.

5. Skinners Shipping Container Playground, Melbourne
Many of the structural elements in the Skinners Playground are simply container cut outs that have been re-positioned. The stair railings, shade overhangs, and balconies are all parts of abandoned containers.

6. Nishi Rokugo Park (Tire Park), Japan
Nishi Rokugo Park features dinosaurs, monsters, bridges, slides, and swings—al made from thousands of vehicle tires. Plus, there are lots of loose tires that kids and parents can use to stack, roll, jump on and climb inside.

JP Development is committed to produce amusement equipment for people’s development. We’d like to supply unique ropes course and climbing wall for you and welcome to inquire

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