A Confidence Obstacle Course Complex JP offered, is mainly designed for army to train soldiers’ confidence as well as physical strength. It’s also named aerial military obstacle course.
Standard confidence obstacle course complex is usually divided into 2 categories: large confidence obstacle course complex containing 30 training obstacles, with space cover of 134m
2, and medium confidence obstacle course complex consisting of 14 training obstacles, with space cover of 110m
There are some classical training obstacles for the confidence obstacle course complex, no matter it’s standard designed or customized. Including:
Broken Bridge: with broken bridge high challenge obstacle, soldiers’ psychological stability up in the air. It will train them to overcome fears and develop the physical coordination as well as agility.
Rappelling: rappelling is an obstacle training program which challenge soldiers’ limits, will and endurance, summon out their potential and encourage. This confidence obstacle course element also train solders’ physical strength and coordination.
Tier Wall: this military obstacle course is designed to train the ability of taking advantage of soft points to climb up quickly.
Dizzy Bed: a dizzy bed is multifunctional. Apart from training solders’ anti-dizzy ability, it also develop their physical balance and coordination and help to overcome the fear of aerial height. It feeds marine and air force’s need special.
The confidence obstacle course complex is versatile and obstacle elements are not limited to what we mentioned above. If you’re interested and plan to learn more, just contact us freely.