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Celebration on JP Ninth Anniversary

Date: 2016-08-30 Share Us:

Founded on Aug. 28, 2007 as a subsidiary of the Development Group, Henan Jianpei Development Co., Ltd. now has been 9-year old and the JP Ninth Anniversary party was successfully held on JP's office building on Aug. 27, 2016.

Different from ordinary dancing openings, this party started with a classical game named Radish Squatting. All the participants were divided into eight groups and they discussed their group name and game strategy ardently.
JP Development, Celebration on JP Ninth Anniversary
After reviewing JP's history, we came to the next part--JP, I WANNA TELL U... The host picked out some wishes at random from the towering tree which consisted of all of our words to JP and read it out. Two employee representatives delivered a speech to tell their love with JP and the best wishes, touching and warm.
JP Development, Celebration on JP Ninth Anniversary
JP Development, Celebration on JP Ninth Anniversary
Then, we had the honor to have JP's general manager Ms. Zang and President of Development Group Mr. Jin to deliver a speech. They recognized JP's achievement and spoke highly of every employee's effort. And with the best wishes for JP, they sang birthday song and cut birthday cake together with all the participants happily.
JP Development, Celebration on JP Ninth Anniversary
After that, the most exciting game time came--Watermelon Relay Race. Caption of each team came out for the one-one PK to select watermelon. Then the group member eat the whole watermelon one after one by dividing it into several pieces, and the team who ate it up fastest won. Apart from cooperating with team members to have a feast on the delicious watermelon in the hot summer, every enjoy a great time in this game.
JP Development, Celebration on JP Ninth Anniversary
JP Development, Celebration on JP Ninth Anniversary
JP Development, Celebration on JP Ninth Anniversary
At last, we took a photo to memorize the special moment. And we believe, in the future, JP will be better and better, and more and more people will fall in love with it.

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